Sunday, May 1, 2011

Corina - Day 2 & 3

On Saturday I didn't have much time, but managed to try another small feather and practice a couple of fills.I will definitely be buying a wash away marker tomorrow! I tried a green chalk marker and I find it very hard to remove. I just made a mess (with a good soaking I'm sure it would come out, but I want something that's easier to remove).

Today I tried marked designs. My stitch length suffered a bit because I was trying to stay at least close to the marked line. There are quite a few teeny stitches! I like one of the flower motifs and the large motif turned out good. I started doing the bump method of feathers but kept going back  to the method of backtracking down the length of each feather. It was a good learning day.

I liked doing this fill.
My fave flower. Wish I would have done bubbles in the center instead of stippling (looks like brains in the center!)
Next time I'll try taking pictures in the daylight. I'm working on muslin but it looks more like a grey fabric. I am really enjoying this challenge. I'm not sure I would have tried any of this without it.


Sheila said...

It looks like you have been doing this for years, beautiful work. I need to make time to apply myself to some practise

Colleen said...

Corina, your quilting motifs are beautiful, you are an inspiration to try different fill in designs!!! Thank you for sharing.